StarHaus Values





Evidence shows that the most important factor in determining the efficacy of therapy is the relationship between the therapist and the client. We believe that fostering this relationship requires us as therapists to provide stability and consistency. 

What remains consistent, week after week, is a meeting of our authentic selves, however that may look on any given day. We believe that clients should always be met with open-mindedness and curiosity as this leads to exploration and growth that is supported by non-judgement, allowing it to be truly client-led. 



As part of our exploration in therapy, we will likely discover obstacles and challenges that are internal and external. Throughout this work, we help to support stability in sessions through the practice of acceptance. We acknowledge that human beings exist in a system, and many of the things that influence us (oppression, capitalism) are beyond our control. We work to help clients identify what IS within their power to influence and we tap into our other values to support them in finding creative methods for coping within this system.




In both efforts to accept and to change, we join our clients in meaning-making, often involving playfulness and risk-taking. We encourage exploration of inner workings and experimentation with coping skills rooted in evidence-based practices, but also in practices informed by spirituality and ritual. 

We honor that the ability to play and take risks may look different for different people during different seasons. With this knowledge, we return to the therapeutic relationship as the container for an abundance of possibilities.